Primary Proms.

Primary Proms.

So we've been thinking about organising a party in the summer. Nothing new there we hear you cry. That's true, but this particular party is a first for us, a Primary Prom.

So have you ever heard of one, or even have a child that's attended one?

At first we were a little unsure, it seems a bit grown up and shouldn't you keep some occasions for children for when they are older?

But then, when we thought about it......what a lovely idea.

Your primary years are very special, full of first experiences and strong bonds that you create with your peers and sometimes friendships that can last your whole life. The end of your primary years is the end of an era, a milestone in your life and also the start of a new chapter. Friends may go off in different directions, to different secondary schools and new friends can be made.

So how about one last hurrah with your primary buddies before the big change?

We would love to know your thoughts on a Primary Prom.

Leave us a comment of "Yes" or "No" to Primary Proms.

Have a good week.





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Boys party.

Boys party.

Party trends for 2018.

Party trends for 2018.